6 Ways Climate Change Affects Health — and How to Protect Yourself

01 Sep 2023
Save Yourself befor the atmosphere change effects your health.

ause food poisoning.”

6 Unusual Signs of Dehydration You Should Know About Rudolph also points out that climate change can cause migration by both animals and humans, putting us into contact with diseases we may not have encountered before. “As the planet gets hotter, some animals are moving toward the poles, coming into contact for the first time with different animals, and in some cases with people,” she says. “We also know that deforestation — which is also a significant cause of climate change — is causing a loss of natural habitats and making animals move to new areas, where they might share germs with people or other animals.”

3. Air Pollution May Make It Harder to Breathe Air pollution is linked to multiple respiratory conditions. “Warmer temperatures cause more ozone pollution, or smog, that causes damage to the airways and exacerbates asthma and chronic lung diseases like emphysema and bronchitis; ozone pollution may also cause asthma,” Rudolph says. “Climate change is increasing the frequency and intensity of wildfires that release huge quantities of smoke that may spread over hundreds of miles. Wildfire smoke is laden with particulate matter, which causes premature death, aggravates asthma, increases the risk of heart attacks, and has been associated with premature birth and other adverse birth outcomes.”

4. More Pollen May Worsen Allergies and Skin Diseases “Warmer temperatures also mean that plants produce more pollen, and many people who suffer from allergies are finding that their allergies are worse and the allergy season is longer,” Rudolph says. The Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health has reported that carbon pollution and warmer temperatures make plants produce more pollen over longer growing seasons. In fact, scientists have suggested that average pollen counts in 2040 will be more than double what they were in 2000. And a study published in Allergologie Select in 2021 found that these changes can also make eczema worse.

5. Eco-Anxiety May Erode Mental Health “Recently, we are seeing a rise in eco-anxiety, or climate anxiety, in the youth — they want to take action yet may not be old enough to have the political capital or power,” Patel says. Surviving climate disasters has lasting effects on mental health, too. A study published in Psychiatric Quarterly in 2020 showed that disasters made worse by climate change can lead to an increase in alcohol use, anxiety, anger, and post-traumatic stress disorder.

6. Higher Temps Can Compound Chronic Conditions “Extreme heat makes it really difficult to regulate your body, which affects people with cardiovascular disease but also related health issues, like high blood pressure and high cholesterol,” Patel says. “It makes those folks a little bit more vulnerable to dehydration, heat stroke, and heat stress.”

Climate change has long been linked to an increased risk of cancer, but it can also worsen cancer outcomes. An increase in natural disasters can release carcinogenic material into communities, overwhelm healthcare providers, and make it harder to get care, resulting in deaths, according to an article published in Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers and Prevention in 2020.

The ones hit hardest by climate change, Patel says, tend to be children, pregnant women, people in low-wealth communities, and populations that are more likely to have chronic health conditions, such as older adults. “Access to hospitals, schools, and transportation systems could be life or death for some. And housing quality plays a huge role in one’s ability to stay cool, stay safe from flooding, and access mold remediation.” Older homes with lead pipes are at risk because the lead is more concentrated in drinking water on extremely hot days.

Tips for Guarding Yourself Against Environmental Toxins Combating climate change can feel overwhelming, but there are steps you can take to protect yourself and your loved ones. Experts recommend the following:

1. Increase your health literacy. “It’s super important to understand your health and the health of your family, so that you can ask your doctor questions about the role climate change plays in your well-being,” Patel says. Talk to your doctor about what types of alerts or weather events you should be looking out for when it comes to heat, stress interactions with medications, or your children’s exposures to heat, cold, mold, and allergens.

2. Build an emergency supply kit. This is especially important if you you live in an area that’s prone to flooding, hurricanes, or wildfires. Ready.gov has tips on what you’ll need, based on your location and the needs of your family members. And don’t forget emergency supplies for pets!

3. Eat less meat. Research published in Advances in Nutrition in 2020 found that diets low in meat and high in fruits and vegetables were linked with less greenhouse gas emissions and lower risks of chronic diseases, thereby reducing people’s vulnerability in high temperatures.

4. Reduce the amount of single-use plastics in your life. The Natural Resources Defense Council says that small individual choices can add up, and it has tips on making easy switches, such as carrying grocery totes and a reusable water bottle, buying in bulk, and cooking more at home.

5. Pay attention to heat warnings, and find ways to stay cool. “Even a few hours a day of air-conditioning can reduce the risk of heat illness,” Rudolph says. “If you have air-conditioning, make sure it is working, or find out where you can go that will have air-conditioning, like a shopping mall, public library, or cooling shelter or community resilience hub. Make sure you check on your friends during a heat wave, and ask that they check on you.” Keeping your sleep space cool will also help with catching precious z’s.

6. Vote to protect the climate and your health. “It’s an election year for local elections, and those officials wield way more power — especially after the Supreme Court ruling — on local decisions that will affect your health directly: your parks, your streets, your schools, your taxes,” Patel says. “Go to your local elections board to understand where candidates on your local ticket stand on climate. You will see who’s thinking about climate and who’s not. You will see how money for your neighborhood safety is being discussed.” Get educated about the issues and candidates, find your polling place, and get registered to vote. Then talk to friends and family members, help them get registered and mobilized, and offer them a ride to cast their ballot, if needed.