Terms & Conditions

Updated On : 01st February 2024

Fees once paid is non-refundable & is subjected to below terms & conditions.

Membership Policy

1. I agree to abide by the rules of conduct, behavior, dress code, equipment usage, and use of services that are displayed within this Gym and that have been provided to me.

2. I agree that the membership fees are not refundable, and I agree and understand that nonusage of the gym does not allow early termination of this agreement nor does it warrant a refund of any type. I also agree to understand that nonusage of the gym does not affect any payment terms and conditions of this agreement and that Fitbox Fitness is in no way responsible for my level of usage of the gym and I understand that it is not the responsibility of Fitbox Fitness to notify me of my nonusage.

3. I Understand that I can place my membership on Time Hold with an additional fee of Rs 1,500/- I understand that Time Hold is for a minimum period of 2 weeks and a maximum of 3 months for standard annual memberships in each year and that each year commences on the anniversary of the joining date stated on this form. Requests for temporary Time Hold must be done in person at the member's home club by completing a 'Fitbox Fitness Time Hold Form'.

4. If choose, I transfer membership to another person who will fulfill the minimum membership term as Set out in this agreement with an additional fee of Rs 2500/-.

5. Fitbox Fitness may at their discretion block access to any Fitbox Fitness gym or terminate any membership agreement without notice for any non-compliance of this agreement or any behavior or action that they deem inappropriate.

6. Facilities and services can be terminated without prior notice. Any such changes Will does not affect the terms of my membership agreement.

9. I fully understand am solely responsible for any damage which I may cause to, Fitbox Fitness, its facilities, services, products, or equipment, if such damage is caused by my wilful act and/or negligence.

Personal Training Rules & Regulation

10. We follow a 1-30 Calendar cycle therefore members are requested to complete their personal training sessions before 30th of every month.

11. In case of the absence of your personal trainer, the client can request the manager to assign a stand-by trainer of the same level for a few sessions. These sessions will be counted as personal training sessions.

12. In case the personal trainer assigned to you leaves the job or is not able to attend your training Fitbox Fitness will assign you a new trainer of the same level for the remaining sessions.

13. The Trainer will conduct a minimum of 3 Personal follow up calls incase of irregularity after which your sessions will be marked completed after a call from the gym Manager.

14. There is no refund or transfer policy for personal training.

15. In order to provide safe, fun and an effective workout session for the participant, the training session will be limited to one client per trainer per session, or in a group of maximum three clients per trainer per session.

16. Members are requested to adhere to the gym timings at all locations i.e from 6.00Am - 10.00Pm

17. Any upgrade in the membership must be done within 15 days from the date of purchase, upgrade will be done based on the current offer only.

Yolo Membership - Recurring Membership

18. On selecting the Pay Monthly membership options, members will be required to pay the associated registration fee (if applicable) and the 1st-month membership fee in advance. Members are required to agree to the terms and conditions of payment.Every ECS will come under 1 Month, 3 Months, 6 Months & 12 Months Tenure Only.

19.In the event of the failure to pay the monthly membership fee, missed payments will be re-submitted for payment by Fitbox Fitness. Fitbox Fitness reserves the right to cancel membership if payment is not received. Access to the facility will be denied until said payment is received and if payment is not received, and cancellation occurs, the registration fee becomes applicable again on re-joining.

20. Members who have opted for recurring monthly membership via ECS facility need to maintain balance in the bank account for the required mandate, any type of cancellation request needs to be raised maximum two days prior to the ECS Date by submiting in writing at the gym facility.

Cancellation of a ECS before a specific tenure will attract cancellation Charges of Rs.99 Per Month of the remaining months.

21.Incase you do not wish to continue and have not informed the management in writing (ECS Cancellation Form) or send us a mail Click Here about the cancellation of the ECS, however the deducted amount will not be refunded.

22. Start Date of Gym membership must be within 1 Year of Validity from the date of Payment.

23. By Using our website you have agreed to have read the terms & conditions & have proceeded therefore.

Hygiene Policy

24. Every Gym member must adhere to hygiene policy i.e No Outdoor Shoes is allowed on the floor. Carry a Napkin & Sipper or Water Bottle all time during your workout. Make use of a body deodrant before your workout.

25. It is necessary that all members and guests of the club wear appropriate, clean attire and footwear when using the studio and gym.

Freelancer Training Policy

26. Members undertaking Personal Training with a freelance trainers under no circumstance can hold FITBOX FITNESS accountable for any result delivery, irregular session or any other issue arising during the particular period.

27. Non-Gym Member is liable to register with Fitbox Fitness Gym membership and then proceed for the personal training.

28. All Personal Training Payments will be made to the freelance trainer directly & gym membership will be done to the Gym i.e. FITBOX FITNESS.

29. Freelance Trainer Members or the trainer Under No circumstance must post or tag Fitbox fitness & its entities on any social media platform for any issues arising between the freelance trainer & the members, In case of any such issue arising will be held as contempt and will be dealt legally. (Pune Jurisdiction)

30. Freelance Trainer Members are liable to follow the rules & regulations set by the gym management failure to do so the gym can terminate their membership without prior intimation.

31. Overdue or delayed payments for services provided by Fitbox Fitness will incur a penalty of Rs. 500 per day for each day beyond the due date until the full payment is received