Ultimate Bench Press Challenge - Winners Announcement 2024

13 Jun 2024
Ultimate Bench Press Championship, demonstrating exceptional strength and endurance.

We are thrilled to announce the winners of the Ultimate Bench Press Challenge! After an intense competition, the strongest and most dedicated athletes have emerged victorious. Congratulations to all participants for their incredible performances and sportsmanship. Here are the first-place winners in each category:

Men's Division - (Barbell + Plate)

Lightweight Category:

1st Place: Neev Agrawal - 44 Reps

Middleweight Category:

1st Place: Aditya Lande - 63 Reps

Heavyweight Category:

1st Place: Mohak Dassani - 50 Reps

Women's Division (Barbell)

Lightweight Category:

1st Place: Komal Waghmare - 70 Reps

Middleweight Category:

1st Place: Samina Attar - 130 Reps

Heavyweight Category:

1st Place: Rashmi Iyer - 57 Reps

Congratulations to all the winners! Your hard work and dedication have truly paid off. Keep lifting, stay strong, and we look forward to seeing you in future competitions!

Update: We are excited to invite everyone to the prize distribution ceremony on the 17th. It’s going to be an event to remember, filled with celebration, camaraderie, and recognition of these outstanding athletes. Mark your calendars, and be sure to join us in honoring their achievements and dedication. See you there!